Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy 3 months Joy!

Yoo hoo.......... The little one is 3 months old today!!!!!!!!!

Decided to make a list of her quirks (gasp... already??!!!) to make her day special...

She L.O.V.E.S watching laundry being folded. The happiness on her face and her excitement in kicking and cycling away is amazing! What she finds in the oh-so-boring chore... she only knows!

Continuing the laundry theme, when the weather was very rainy and muggy few weeks back, my Dad hung up a couple of clothes lines in the hall (yeah... we don't care what our guests think! This is our house and we like to live the way we want!!) and put up all the wet clothes on them. Little Joy had a field day... So many different colors, all swaying gently whenever anyone moved and there for her to enjoy 24/7! Man, what else can one ask for!

All her toys are subjected to the the pecking order. The first month she enjoyed exactly 1 rattle. Out of about 10. Anything else, she would either cry or turn face away. She especially hated one particularly noisy one. The second month, she loved a multi-colored ball. The beloved rattle was subjected to face-turning behavior!! The third month was dominated by elephant rattle. And oh, the hateful noisy rattle became a pet too! She wouldn't go to sleep without it! The slightest noise and she wakes up... while the damn noisy rattle actually PUTS her to sleep! Go figure...

(BTW, all the above toys except the noisy rattle... courtesy
Ashu. Thanks a ton Ashu... what would we do without you!)

The first two months Thatha was her favourite. She sees him and there's a brilliant smile. He moves away and the smile fades out. It's sleepy time and he HAS to carry her. Else, no sleep for the day... try all u can! She wakes up from sleep in the morning... he HAS to wish her "Suprabhatham". (My parents insist on traditional greetings! It has to be Suprabhatham for Good Morning, Shubha Rathri for Good night and the likes!) Her best smiles and gurgles were reserves specially for him! And now... move over Thatha... It's Pati time! She doesn't as much as second glance him now!!! It's Pati all the way! Oh, she loves him and smiles at hima nd everything, but the special twinkle in the eye is all for Pati alone! This kid... I tell you!
(Psst... little secret.. Thatha was needed the first 2 months to put her to sleep and now Pati takes her outdoors to watch the traffic AND sings to put her to sleep... so it's all about the math, really!)

She has learnt to cover her face with her tiny hands while I nurse her. And what EVER happens, I am not to move it! I move it thinking she's asleep, and back it comes again with the tiniest hint of irritation!

This one is not a surprise lover. Anything new suddenly thrust on her and she bawls out like crazy! But, tell her what you're going to do and then do it, she's a doll! (I swear... even when she was as little as 6 weeks old!) No surprise parties for u, kid!

She loves it when I clean her ears! Seriously... After her bath, (by which time she's howled the whole place down! Yes.. she's a water-hater!) I wipe the water out of her ears and she screws up her face and hands in concentration and has this hilarious expression of satisfaction combined with pleasure combined with curiosity on her face!!! Have to capture a picture of this sometime...

3 months and already so many... wonder what I'll do with this kid as she grows... Well, I guess I'll have to make peace with the fact that it will always my baby who will spring surprises on ME and never the other way round!


B o o said...

Oh ho ho! Lookie whos blogging!! ;) So when were you going to tell me? Grr...

So nice to read abt Kutti. And dont judge already. These kids change every hour and before you know, she will be begging you for surprises! Shes in our family, is nt she? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, here you are. For a change I am here before the whole world is there ahead of me!!!

Now we get updates about the little one on a frequent basis.

Happy blogging.

Anonymous said...

hmm guess shez gonna keep ya busy 4 quite some yrs....njoi...lil pigmy puff has lots mre to learn 2 trouble ya!!!!!cheers....

Timepass said...

Nice to read abt the quirks of a 3mth old! Happy 3 mths to the little one.

Anonymous said...

You write pretty well girl! It is great to read little one's antics!

Deepti Ravi said...

Hey!!! Took you a long time to tell!!!! In total agreement with boo !!!;) ;) Good to read about kiddo here :D :D