Friday, February 8, 2008

At random...

It's been very busy lately... Anything I do somehow seems to need more than 24 hours. And I hardly do anything! How is that? There's a household full of people to keep Joy fully occupied. (Sorry, it's actually the other way round! Anyways, point being, everyone is happily busy!) So I have all the time in the world to do what I want to do. And what did I do?

I watched Taare Zameen Par. In about 10 installments! And yes, with a pirated DVD! Hey, they probably make these for sleep-deprived, outing-deprived new moms like me, alright! So stop judging me! The movie itself was amazing. Now, I'm not one for crying at movies. However touching and moving they may be, the most they can do is sort of lubricate my dry eyes! (I hasten to add, I'm not heartless... this is just the way I react to movies. A movie IS after all, a movie!) And inspite of me being me, this one really had an effect. I was left totally speechless and this is one of the very few movies that actually sort of jerked me up. A teensy warning here... this may not be so good for new moms! There was many a scene (especially the ones where the mom replays videos of the boy during his infancy, his first day at school, etc.) where I found I was actually picturising myself and Joy in similar situations. *Shudder Shudder*

Then there was this project I had started during pregnancy and had to follow-up on. I started picking up the threads recently... and am still in that process! Not even close to finishing it! Guess I'm taking the client for granted!! (Note: Taking the client for GRANTED and not for a RIDE! It hasn't reached that stage yet!)

I've been spending considerable amount of time in front of the mirror... and I can't even start to recognize myself! There's flab everywhere, the newly acquired paunch seems here to stay and my entire body seems totally disproportionate! I still fit mostly only into my pregnancy clothes and I'm going about narrating my sob story to all and sundry! Finally I decided to something about it, now that the 3-month recovery period is over and was planning to enroll myself in the gym that's right next door. Wanted to start from Feb 1st but one thing led to another and then one of my friends frightened me a little about gymming so early post-surgery. So that plan was shown the door! Have started going for walks... remains to be seen how long before that too becomes history!

Joy has entered the "extreme playfulness" and also the "over-working the vocal chords" phase. Which has led her to almost forget that she has a stomach and that she needs to fill it up now and then! Never ever did I imagine the first 3 months that I will be faced with a situation like this! So now I'm having a pretty tough time trying to get her to nurse, and it's proving a lot more difficult and time-consuming than I'm comfortable with!

And of course, it's been a while since I updated my blog! I received comments from so many bloggers... and never paid back the courtesy of replying to them or visiting their blogs! The former is being worked on as I type and the latter I hope, will soon follow, Joy-permitting! (In the past few days I've written almost a million different posts. In my head! And didn't get a chance to get to the comp even!)

So that's whats been happening in the recent past... more posts to come I hope... until then... signing off!

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