Joy arrived on October 30th, 2007 at 12.30 PM. She was all of 3.5 kgs (7.7 pounds) and 53 cms (21 inches) screaming at the doctor and everyone else for having disturbed her slumber! Once she was cleaned up the nurse cuddled her up to my face... I was so choked up and everything! She was staring out of her huge round eyes and every time there was a cuddle, she would close them up tight and screw up her wrinkly forehead and wait for more! It was a Kodak moment... one that will remain fresh as ever in my memory... forever and ever!
The lazy bum had to be pulled out of me by means of a cesarean section. She was 5 days post dated and refused to move out of her cozy home. And once she was out, man did she go on strike! She refused to sleep from the word go! Her eyes wide open since the instant she was born, it required the combined efforts of my mom, my sister and my dad to get her to sleep! Post-surgery, I wasn't in a position to do much for myself, let alone her... so the first few days went by in a blur with me trying to get on to my feet, nursing her, learning to handle her and the likes! Nursing her was a breeze... she caught on almost immediately and the only problem was that she was draining me out far too much! After innumerable crying sessions and sleepless nights, we learnt from the doctor that she is a "hyper active" baby! As in "baby who hardly sleeps", "baby who should have stories narrated to, be sung lullabies to, shown toys to", "baby who brings the ceiling down crying at nights", "baby who needs change of rooms/toys/other forms of entertainment at the rate of about 15 mins per activity just because she's BORED"... all this right from the ripe old age of about 10 days!!!!!!!! I mean, can anyone beat this??
It's 11 weeks since, and Joy has worked her way to come to terms with the human world! From being a totally sleepless baby, she graduated to being a day-time sleeper and is now almost a full-night sleeper! Daytime naps are few and far in between, with a maximum duration of about 15 mins, if any! From being an almost continuous feeder driving me close to the verge of picking up formula in desperation, she now has a healthy 2 hour staying time between feeds of about 20 mins each! Most of her hyper activity is now being diverted to constructive activities like cycling, kicking (What a kicker she is! If she had kicked half as much while she was due to come out of me, I would've been minus a large rip in my belly!) She smiles divinely at anyone and everyone. The large gummy grin and the bright twinkly eyes make me swell with pride every single time! She is in love with her own voice and cannot stop using it! There and aas and oos and goos and "amma"s (collar up!!) galore in the household now! The bubbles have started coming in cartloads! There's spray for a few metre radius all around her! She has discovered her own hands and spends hours in their company, talking to them, moving them, admiring them! After every nap, that's the first thing she looks at, making sure they're still intact! She loves having people around, identifies everyone at home and instantly knows if there's a newcomer in the midst! Anyone walking anywhere close to her CANNOT move away, without having spoken to her first! The tiny little pixie demands attention like crazy... and makes sure she gets it!
The more I look at her, the more I wonder... did we really create this wonder? I mean, zombies like Hubby and me... did we really make up this lovely little, twinkly eyed doll? I got to believe it... I actually saw her coming out of me... but still I wonder... at this adorable gift we have received from heaven... and every time I pray to God and pledge to myself... to protect her, to nurture her, to spoil her, to bring her up into this confident woman who spreads joy and cheer everywhere she goes, to be a good friend a great mother to her! I hope and pray that your life will be as successful and fulfilling as possible, my little bundle of joy, and I promise you, I will leave no stone unturned in helping you achieve all that you want! You are and always will be the center of my life, the apple of my eye! I love you and adore you with all my heart!
Monday, January 14, 2008
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1 comment:
Awesome post!!!! Very beautiful and touching :) :)
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