Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's THAT time of the month again!

It's Joy's next immunisation day tomorrow! The last one still stands vivid in my memory... the crying, the discomfort, her looks and cries of distress, my helplessness knowing how much pain she was going through, understanding it's for her own good, but still torn apart by not being able to make it easy for her. And finally praying and thanking the Almighty (and Metacin!!) for letting her sleep through most of it! She slept almost 2 full days straight! And that was probably more than what she had slept in her entire tiny 2 month old life put together!

And now already another month has passed, the question list for the doctor has increased, the anxiety is showing up and the praying has started! The only comfort is in knowing that my poor little darling will emerge stronger and healthier to lead her life ahead! Here's to your health, little one!

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