Monday, January 28, 2008

Hell hath seen no fury...

... like a baby provoked!!!

January 26th, 2008 goes down in history. In my baby book, that is!

It's 10.00 AM. Colleagues call... they're coming to visit us and more specifically to "play" with Joy.. thanks to the endless phone calls I've bugged them with, bragging about how wonderfully my little one plays, smiles, laughs, talks... you get the drift! I have a hurried shower. Meanwhile, Joy is sleepy and oh-so-slightly cranky. My mom wants her to be up to the occasion... so out come the gold bangles, to replace the tiny black ones Joy has been wearing since birth. Some irritation, some tears, the mood dips a little more. But hubby carries her and she seems content.

And then they walk in, helmets and all! One of them makes straight for her and picks her from Hubby's arms. A split-second silence.. and that's it! Ceilings shimmer, walls vibrate, glass rattles.. it's unbelievable! She's almost breathless crying! And this, from a normally pleasant tempered, sweet smiling, mellow voiced, peace-loving babe! In her almost 3 months of life, she has never EVER cried like this! Four helpless adults around her, all trying to get her to simmer down... not working the least bit! If anything, the bawls and howls get even louder and stronger, while the visitors watch dumbstruck! I try to nurse her and even that doesn't work. The air is filled with a tension that's bristling with current! My mom, with a sudden spurt of experienced wisdom, puts a couple of sugar crystals in her mouth... slight improvement. Then takes her out to watch the traffic.. usually a treat she loves! Slowly and steadily the wails come down, the breathing gets raggedly back to rhythm, though it's still a long way off from normal. And the air inside slowly limps back to normalcy. My colleague is speechless and has her hands on her mouth and ears!!! (And that's saying a lot, considering the woman talks nineteen to the dozen 24/7! I'm sure she talks even in her sleep!)

And then finally, she goes to sleep in my Dad's arms. Phew... everyone heaves a sigh of relief. The 3 of them run away promising they'll come back another time!!! And all of us can't stop wondering what the heck happened! Maybe it was the immunisation thing still working her out. Maybe it was all the previous crankiness put together with many new faces. God only knows! Anyways, she wakes up a half hour later... all smiles and playful! We all heave huge sighs of reliefs! But wait... somethings not right ! The face looks dull, the eyes aren't twinkling and the smile looks forced!

And thus starts Joy's first bout of fever.........

P.S. Ttwo days and 3 doses of Metacin later, she seems finally back to her state of normalcy! Thank God for small mercies!

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