Saturday, June 21, 2008

We're alive and kicking!

Heyyyyyyyyy Blogdom! I'm back baby! (Let's see for how long!)

Alrighty... updating all that happened until now will be very very VERY difficult! A L.O.T has happened so far and we've basically survived them all... the move, visitors, relatives, weaning, weather changes, Hubby's work timings, a small bout of fever, playtime with the neighbouring kids, et all! We've lived with 15 people in the apartment and we've lived with just the two of us. And amidst them all, Joy's adaptability has to be seen to be believed! There are occasional incidents of unexplainable yelling or restless crying, but they're few and far in between.

Joy in a nutshell... Being close to completing 8 months, we're now up to 4 solid meals a day and in spite of all thefountain-spraying that's happening, we're pretty much into some semblance of a schedule now! (Which is generally the living-on-air-and-water schedule! Weight gain has become almost nil. Anyways, more on that later!) The lesser said about sleep, the better. Loads of crawling, creeping, screaming, babbling is happening. We're now able to sit unsupported and stand up holding on to something (mostly the nearest available shirt!!) and we're very proud of our accomplishments! We expect appreciation for anything and everything we do and in plenty, mind you! We're as cuddly as ever. We love to get out of the house, even if it means being mercilessly pushed around on a stroller in the apartment corridor! The drooling is still aplenty. We are sick of blaming everything on teething pains since the first tooth is not even close to making an appearance. (Interestingly, I saw a tiny white speck and even felt it on her lower jaw last month, but it mysteriously disappeared a couple of weeks later! No clue people!) Anyways, the gummy smiles continue to flash across and no one is in a hurry to lose them... so no worries!

I, meanwhile, have no time for anything that's not Joy-related! It's just her, her and her ALL THE TIME! Feed, bathe, dress, put to sleep, feed, re-dress, play, play, play, put to sleep (try, try, try again) feed (count 1 to 10, do NOT lose temper... she's just a baby) and the vicious cycle just goes on and on and on... And don't even get me started on laundry, cooking, cleaning and the likes! The apartment resembles a cow-shed for crying out loud! I have no inkling of recent movies, music, happenings around the world. I've forgotten what a newspaper looks like, that there's something called a television (gasp!) and after so many months have finally got reaccquainted with the computer only now! I can't care less (not that I have the time for it anyway) about what I wear or how I look. Thankfully for others, I'm still aware that I SHOULD wear something! AND I missed the BIG online baby shower. That was a real shame! I SO wish I'd been a part of it!Anyhoo... just started going through other bloggers archives to get updated! My blog updates will be directly proportional to Joy's quality and quantity of sleep... which are amazingly terrible and tiny respectively! Each time I think it can't get worse or shorter and time and again, she proves me wrong! There's a lesson to be learnt right there! Never expect anything from anyone and life will be bliss!

So so so... that's about the scoop so far. There's lots I want to write about... time and Joy permitting! Meanwhile, off I go archive digging!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!