Friday, February 22, 2008

Dream Girls!

I had this dream middle of the night before last. During the wee hours of the morning, in a half-asleep, half-awake state, I replayed (yes, REPLAYED) the entire dream just so I don't forget it and can write about it to Boo and Yaada Yaada (YY) But the entire following day I totally forgot that I had even dreamt anything. Then, last night, in the same semi-conscious state, I remembered not remembering the dream and AGAIN replayed the whole thing in my mind, forcing myself to remember all the details! So here goes...

Boo and YY live abroad somewhere. I live in Mumbai. And I am on my way to join them. I go to the airport. It's a complete indoor setting. Following a red carpet walk, there's a Sufi temple (This is nothing... wait for more!) entrance next door and there are women in burkhas and men in the male equivalent of burkhas (whatever they are called) going in. There's a Yasser Arafat-like-dressed-man at the entrance smoking on a hookah and spreading out fragrant smoke, welcoming everyone. The next door is a glass door and leads to the airport. There's lots of cartoon characters a-la-disneyland welcoming everyone. I walk in empty-handed, because my sister has promised to pack all my stuff and bring it to the airport. Now this is pretty wierd (really? Just this part?) because I am coming from home and my sister is away at work and somehow she's the one doing the packing and bringing the luggage over! Anyways... I see my very close friend there who is also doing international travel. She has a 9-month old son with her and her mom has come to drop them off. And in my wierdoland, this friend wants to go home and drop off her mom, who has actually come to see her off... Go figure! So she asks me if I want to accompany them. I agree (my flight leaves in an hour, by the way!) and in the next scene we're all travelling in a cab, about half-way from the airport and suddenly, my brain alarm goes off, I do some quick mental math (hear hear) and figure out that I'll actually miss my flight as Bangalore traffic (Note : Bangalore as against Mumbai, where I'm supposed to be living!) is really bad that time of the day. So I apologise to my friend and WALK BACK to the airport. Same doors, same burkhas and same cartoon characters. This time they shake hands with me, gift me lots of balloons and streamers and wish me a safe trip. I walk in to find my sister and niece frantically searching for me. (Guess this was pre-cell phone era) And get this... I'm mad at her because all she has for me are two books to read during the flight!!! I ask her about the promised packed luggage and she gives me a wierd look and says "I thought you were coming from home. Why didn't you get it yourself?"

Cut to the next scene... somehow magically I am at my destination. Wearing some really cool clothes that belong to either Boo or YY. (Now, this is nothing new, as I've spent practically my childhood years well into teenage wearing their hand-me-downs. But, interestingly, I can fit into neither of their clothes at the moment!) So, coming back to the dream... it's a really beautiful, picturesque locale and I'm sitting under a HUGE lovely tree with some guy, who is supposed to be YY's friend (Pretty good-looking one, actually! Wink Wink!) with 2 bikes parked next to us.

And........... very very VERY unfortunately, Joy chose this moment to bring me back into reality with her characteristic tossing and turning! So... that's about how it all ended! Damn... HOW I wanted to get to know the guy better! And God found this really wierd way of punishing me by cutting it off right there! It's like "You have a baby on your hands woman! Stop dreaming and get back to work!" Ah Bah!!!


Deepti Ravi said...

lol.. :-D shame on you! You're married ;-)

Anonymous said...

Did you take a good look at the guy? At least did u get his number or address! I can use them you know!!