Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kiss me baby one more time!

The first few times, I DID notice it, but looking at Joy opening her mouth in a wide "O" and licking the cheek of the person carrying her, I assumed she was hungry! But when she kept repeating it, on and on, even after a full feed, that's when it hit me! My sweetie pie... with all her drool and everything... was kissing me for so many days and I didn't even realize it! Speaks volumes about my intelligence, but Joy being the idol of patience that she is, kept doing it again and again until her mother's pea-sized brain could finally comprehend it!

Whoopieeeeeeeee......... My baby has learnt to kiss! And I cant get enough of it!


Anonymous said...

Wish I was there to get some too! Cho chweet!

Lavs said...

Baby Joy is a star in the making:-0

Deepti Ravi said...

next post!!????????????????